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Code of Conduct.

This code of conduct has been created as a set of guidelines that defines the expected behaviour within The Careers Circle.

General behaviour

We expect our members to be caring, kind and polite, treating others with respect at all times. The purpose of this online community is to provide a space where we can share, help and support fellow group members and the wider Careers community. We ask that you keep an open mind to other’s ways of working and do not create a hostile environment. Anyone deemed to be acting in an unkind manner will have their membership cancelled.


The group will promote honest, ethical and open behaviour, giving advice that works in the best interests of the students we all support. Members should declare where they have a conflict of interest (for example, they are promoting a product that they profit from either directly or indirectly).


Our online meetings are designed to be informal in their style. There is no shame in arriving late, we all understand the pressure and commitments each of us have are bigger than being part of The Careers Circle.


No member will discriminate against any other member of the group or public. Bad language and prejudice is not acceptable.Any form of discrimination or hurtful comments will result in your membership being cancelled.


We have Circle Leaders who will monitor and provide input and guidance on each of the individual Circles. Please be mindful that Circle Leaders complete this task on a voluntary basis and are not expected to respond within a certain timeframe.


Members should keep personal or private information confidential - and will not publicly discuss anything that might shame an individual. If you are discussing a particular student or client that you are working with, please change their name to respect their privacy.

Breach of Code of Conduct

If people do not abide by this code of conduct, they will be asked to leave The Careers Circle with immediate effect.


If you have any questions or require clarity on any points made, please contact Jess on

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