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2 ideas for compass+

When Compass+ first came on the scene, we were all a bit sceptical that it would be another time consuming activity that gave us little to no insight to aid our careers programme. In reality, Compass+ has proved to be a handy tool to keep tabs on our overall programme against each Benchmark, as well as a way to see student's individual enounters.

As helpful as it may be, it does still take time. Time is not something that we as Careers Professionals have in abundance! Here are two things that may help...

Share the load!

Ask your careers champions, heads of department or whoever takes responsibility for careers in each subject area of your school to upload the information. Asking them to email you what has happened is just a duplication of work and, as they may not send it in the right format for Compass+, it may actually lengthen the process. If you ask them to input any careers activity that has happened in their department directly into the system, you know the information is correct, accurate and it will save you time. Depending on your school set up, there may also be someone else who can help with Compass+ upload. For example, do you have a trips administrator that could upload any relevant careers trips for you? Explore and share the responsibility.

Use a system that integrates

Spoiler alert - there is no one system that will talk directly to Compass+. CEC have intentionally done this as it would then mean they are displaying bias towards that platform. However, many platforms have found a way around this by providing you with a CSV that you can download from the platform and upload straight to Compass+. Whether you are using Xello, Unifrog, Morrisby, GroFar or something else (there are so many now!) to manage your careers programme, speak to your contact there to find out the easiest way to upload to Compass+.

Happy reporting! See you tomorrow for our final post; a free post 16 guide!

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