We are pleased to announce that Hackney Education, the Education Department of Hackney Borough Council, have funded their secondary schools with access to the Apprenticeship Academy programme.
The programme allows schools in the Hackney Borough to refer their students in years 10, 11, 12 and 13 to learn everything they need to know about finding, applying for and interviewing for Apprenticeships. As part of the programme, participants will also hear from six different employers and current apprentices about their experience.
The opportunity to access the programme was offered to all schools in the Borough, with 13 schools taking Hackney Education up on their offer. The schools that will now be able to refer their students are;
Brooke House (BSix)
Cardinal Pole
City Academy Hackney
City Academy Shorditch
Clapton Girls
Our Lady's
Petchey Academy
Skinners Academy
Stoke Newington
Virtual School
Waterside Academy
Jessica, Qualified Careers Advisor and Director of The Careers People who run the programme, said "We are thrilled to be working with Hackney Education and the subscribed schools. I am looking forward to supporting their students on their apprenticeship journeys!".