To kick off our 12 days of christmas campaign, we are starting with 12 useful websites that can help careers professionals.
Please note that none of these websites have asked to or paid to be listed, they have been hand selected by TCP team as the most useful websites that we use in our practice.
UniTasterDays - This website is so much more than just a University events board. They have a host of on demand webinars that have each been created with univeristies. Their newest feature is the funcionality to search through Regional Contacts and find the right contact from each HE establishment to support your schools. The Jargon Buster is a great resourcce for your students to access independently if they're unsure what a word means . Lastly, you can signpost your colleagues to their Teacher Guide which covers a wide range of helpful topics.
Southampton Solent 52 Things To Do - This is great for any student looking at exploring Higher Education. If they do one thing per week for a whole year, they will be an expert! These sessions can be accessed independently as they are video led or they can be used as a tutor resource (if you would like a tutor programme that covers more than just HE then we can help with that!).
ERIC - Showcasing Creative careers to our young people is so important, there are SO many resources for STEM careers but often it is hard to find creative "stuff". Not anymore, thanks to Eric. Be sure to sign up to their newsletter to be the first t hear about creative opportunities (for a career professional newsletter that isn't industry specific, check out our free offer).
The Scholarship Hub - This USED to be free to browse without making an account, but it looks as though they have made some changes as you need an account now. It's a way to input students background and find what scholarships they are eligible for. It won't be a full list, so I would still suggest they do their own resrarch and look at what bursaries and scholarships the univerisities they're applying to offer.
UCAS Adviser Toolkit - If you are supporting Year 12 and 13, there is no reason why you shouldn't have an adviser account, be actively promoting use of the UCAS Hub (especially use of Unibuddy!) and be utilising the Adviser Toolkit.
Oxbridge Launchpad - Our favourite free resource for students considering an Oxbridge application. They can apply for a mentor or make use of the application walkthrough support.
Panjango Online - Fabulous resource for KS3, SEN or "unsure" young people. Students can explore the online panjango world and learn about what jobs work in what buildings, the skills they need and even take part in challenges to see if they'd enjoy the job role.
UCAS Hub - "The UCAS Hub provides your students with all the tools and information they need – in one place – and for free. So when it comes to exploring subjects, considering apprenticeships, shortlisting their final five, and writing a killer personal statement or CV, we’ve got it covered."
Amazing Apprenticeships - Students can filter to their age and see apprenticeship resources that suit them; from guides to video resources, there's something to suit every learning style.
NGTU Advice Library - Our favourite thing about the NGTU advice blog is that the majority of posts have been submitted by current apprentices or employers, meaning they're up to date, relevant and honest. The apprentice case studies are also really useful, particularly if you don't have a huge number of alumni that have gone on to apprenticeships and therefore have an unconcious bias when sharing destination data with current students. Sharing these case studies will give real life examples of students who have taken the apprenticeship route.
Enjoy and check back tomorrow for "11 Uni Workshops"!